Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Great Tribulation

These are those who are coming out of the Great Tribulation, and they washed their robes, and they made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb. -Revelation 7:14b, LSV

The Great Tribulation as referenced in the Book of Revelation is nothing more, and nothing less, than all of time from when Adam fell into sin until such time as Christ returns in glory.

No one born of a woman into this world is without tribulation. Indeed, even birth itself has come with great pain from the time of, and as a result of, Adam's choice to heed the voice of his wife as opposed to the Word of the LORD.

The LORD God from the begining has made known that Adam's choice was not, and is not, the end or overall purpose of history. No. Creation and all of history is subject for a time to futility, to a Great Tribulation, so that salvation will belong to the One Who created and sustains all things from beginning to end.

Whether you are inside or outside of this overall purpose and plan of God - whether you perish eternally or are saved eternally - is not only of great concern to Him, but also of great concern to you and to your neighbor, for it is you and your neighbor who are created in the image of God.

The Great Tribulation: thorns and thistles are only the start. Anxiety and death are the end. Idolatry and pride are the means. These all stick like glue to the creation for a while.

They are broken free and healed only through God's Only-Begotten from eternity, Jesus the Christ, Who with His own flesh and blood has redeemed you, a lost and condemned person, together with His whole creation so that a new heaven and earth will come about after the Great Tribulation into which you were born.
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