Believers are given to state clearly and unequivocally the same things they have received through the Word.
Abiding in Christ Jesus they speak as the oracles of God: confessing Who Jesus is, namely our High Priest, our Atoning Sacrifice, crucified and risen from the dead, living to all eternity that He might bring all people to Himself, having made pardon for our transgressions, having won us over while we were yet dead in trespasses, calling us through the Gospel, declaring aloud by the Holy Spirit His works on our behalf, applying His merits and righteousness to us, raising us up from our filth, washing us in Holy Baptism, feeding us with His very body and blood, and carrying us over the Jordan of the grave into the promised land where there are many perfect abodes.
And this, beloved in the LORD, is a pinpoint target for the forces of darkness. From these words will arise both fear and attack on the part of the enemy. Yet from these will those who were once dead in trespasses and sin receive life, comfort, and pure joy.
"I shall not then," he says, "depart to prepare mansions for you. There are already enough there. There is no need to make new homes for my creation. But I go to prepare a place for you because of the sin that has mastery over you in order that those of you who are on the earth will be able to be mingled with the holy angels. Otherwise, the holy multitude of those above would never mingle with those [below] who were so defiled. But now, when I shall have accomplished the work of uniting the world below with that above — giving you a way of access to the city on high as well — I will return again at the time of regeneration and 'receive you with myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.'"
-Cyril of Alexandria