Wednesday, August 7, 2019


What did people of ancient times do for entertainment?

. . . and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.

An undisciplined people allow their passions to rule.
A disciplined people hear the Word of God and keep it.

Best to behold, receive, and hold dear the spectacle of the Cross, because there is no escape from your own passions without Christ crucified.

Oh. You do not want to denounce your fleshly passions. I see. You don't have it in you. The grave will help. But what, or who, will help you out of the grave?

Best to behold, receive, and hold dear the spectacle of the Resurrection, because there is no escape from your own passions without Christ raised up from the dead for you.

But how to receive Christ's life, and where?

It is by hearing, but you are deaf.
It is by seeing, but you are blind.

Uh Oh.

Yet He-Who-Makes-Ear-and-Eye partook of the same so that He might speak into your ears the Words of eternal life, and place before your eyes a called and ordained servant of the Word. For what purpose?

Only one: To forgive your sins and raise you up from the dead. To peel away your desire to rise up and play with other gods.

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