The discipline of the Christian Faith says, "Deny yourself."
The un-discipline of a fallen world says, "Be true to Self."
These two are completely at odds with one another, and that is why we do not all "just get along."
You can make attempts at reconciling the two. You can even "coexist" for a while.
In fact, many appear earnestly to pick and choose either of the above and make use of them as needed. A smattering of this teaching, a smattering of that teaching, but that is only self-serving.
In the end it is one or the other that prevails upon both body and soul.
Try as you might to think your Self to be separate from a body, and reality to be a monadic emanation without language and forms so that you can "rise above it all," like a drum stick on a wood block the reality of a true, physical, body and an ordered creation will humble you as you ought to be humbled.
To deny yourself is to depend upon Another. To deny yourself is to serve others. To learn these things is a gift from Above and cannot be conjured from your own heart.
That is why there is a Church, a body of Christ, with pastors and teachers. That is why together they pray and sing praises.
It is God the Father of the LORD Jesus Christ Who has placed you into this Body and kept you there, using simple means and words, just as He speaks and brings all history and creation into being.