Friday, May 3, 2019

Conquered Culture

Some people ask how it can be possible that a Christian listen to, and enjoy, Rock-and-Roll music, along with many other things that attend current culture, and still remain a Christian.

The answer is that these things, having been redeemed and sanctified by the blood of Christ, do not own the Christian. Rather the Christian owns them, and can enjoy them as these are all in servitude to the Christian. The Christian can enjoy them without resorting to the fleshly indulgence these sources might otherwise invite. Yet the Christian at times lacks discipline and must return to the waters of salvation as God gives grace to repent.

Arts of all kinds, foods of all kinds [including beer], music of all kinds, and the rants of fools who know neither God nor His mercy - these all belong to Christians who can enjoy the fruits of labor on the part of unbelievers while laughing at their scorn at the same time. It goes with being a part of that select group baptized into Christ Jesus over whom death and all kinds of accusations hold no sway whatsoever. They know where they are going and why. It has everything to do with the mercies of God in Christ Jesus.

At the same time, Christians are rightly enjoined to think of, and praise what is good, peaceable, and kind. They are to make use of all things to the benefit of their neighbor, without aiming to give offense. They are invited and inclined to boast not of strength, but of weakness. The same weakness their Savior shares when it comes to His dire enemies.
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