Wednesday, November 27, 2013


It is truly meet, right, and salutary, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to You, holy LORD, Almighty Father, Everlasting God.

What should a creature, made of dust, do? What should a creature, whose dust came from nothing, say? This creature is you. You are made of dust, and that dust came from nothing by the Word of the LORD. You received the breath of life through that same LORD.

It is hard for you to think about this, because time and the pressures of life have a way of drowning out what is written about you in the Book of Life. But it is most certainly true that all you are, and all you have, came from nothing by the grace of God in Christ Jesus.

As the Holy Spirit, Who has drowned you in the waters of Holy Baptism, teaches you the truth about your origin, being, and destination, your heart will do nothing more than rejoice greatly and give thanks at all times.

In case it has escaped you, how much you have received from Above, here is a list of things to consider, as drawn and paraphrased from Johann Gerhard's writings:

Your formation in the womb and birth into this life.
God's constant preservation of your life.
The redemption God provided for you in Christ Jesus.
The incarnation of Christ Jesus for your sake.
The innocent suffering and death of Christ Jesus for you.
That your Father in Heaven called you by the Gospel.
That your Father in heaven shows great patience toward you.
Your conversion from death to life eternal.
A clear conscience through Christ Jesus.
That your Father in heaven keeps you in His grace.
All the blessings of this body and life.
Your baptism into Christ Jesus.
The ongoing benefits of Christ's holy body and blood.
Protection from every evil.
The eternal promise of salvation.

With these things in mind, each of which may be amplified considerably, you may happily endure each moment of each day and its various trials, knowing that all things are done for your good, because you abide in your dear Lord Jesus, for Whom all things were made, Who suffered for you, and suffers with you.

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