Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"
God approaches fallen man in terms of proximity, space, and physical being, and not merely in terms of philosophy, ideas, or wishful thinking. This is because it is His aim to draw near to us physically, and not merely philosophically or as an idea.
He could have asked Adam, "Why?" Instead it is Adam who, to this day asks, "Why?" "Why is there evil? How could a loving God allow so much suffering in this world? Why did He allow Adam to sin?"
But it has been in the heart of God from the beginning, for the praise of His glory, to work all things through His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
So, when the LORD God asks Adam where He "is," the answer could easily have been given in terms of GPS coordinates, but Adam, out of an ungodly fear, starts making excuses.
It is the same today when ever the holy things of God are brought to bear in the midst of fallen man. He makes excuses, runs away, and hides.
This, however, will not change the heart of God. He continues to speak His Word and will in Christ Jesus, calling you to repentance and faith so that you may be where He is.
For you know that in Christ Jesus the LORD God has drawn as near as possible by becoming bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh, and then bearing in His own physical body the wrath you richly deserve. Therefore you may draw near to Him with a true heart.
The proximity of you to God, and vise versa, is bound up in His preaching to you, and in His administration in these latter days through His Holy Baptism, Holy Supper, and Holy Absolution.
These are not ideas, abstractions, or philosophies, but they bear the very substance of heaven come down to save and bless for all time those who were once enemies of the LORD God.
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