This is a wonderful subject, namely how matters of faith and salvation are practiced among the faithful most evangelically. It is the nature of creation and divine revelation to provide order. We are enjoined to treat these things reverently.
Difficulties come about because we are idolaters by nature, totally disinclined to receive; greatly inclined to invent. Inventing is fine within the context of serving others, but it is detrimental when imposed upon Divine Service without regard for proper order.
The androgynous spirit is alive and well in the Church, not only causing confusion, but also inviting pride and despair. The Church is so arranged that there are givers and receivers. In the context of Divine Service in particular it is important that roles are reverently distinguished and practiced.
It is the Sabbath. The LORD urges that His people receive True Rest. There can be no rest if the merits and righteousness of Christ Jesus are mixed or confused with our own activities, no matter how well-intended.
We have a Place of Rest, namely, Christ Jesus. Yet some prefer not to rest, but to invent and then expect others to heap praise on all but the Vine from whom all life, both temporal and eternal flows freely.
It is good to recognize the order so ubiquitous to God’s dealing with poor sinners; that He deals with us through means; that it truly is a matter of giving and receiving. Yet we altogether are often poor examples who also must feed from the very Food we are given to distribute.
But we do have Rest. We have it whether we serve in the chancel or in selling wholesome merchandise. The latter vocation is every bit as much, if not more substantial in serving our good neighbor than many things a Pastor is given to do from one moment to the next.
Missouri has a bit of a mess on her hands, but it will all come out in the Wash. We may meanwhile rejoice together in so many good things. In this life the Church may appear as little more than a hodge-podge of weak practice and theology.
The beauty is that we are given to participate in His Word on a wide scale with those who are like-minded. To the extent we are given to be faithful in these things, the rest will take care of itself.
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