Sunday, April 7, 2013

Their Jealousy

But the high priest rose up, along with all his associates (that is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with jealousy.

Peer pressure and jealousy are no way to run a church, and yet these attributes have their effect all too often in the world.

The sect of the Sadducees had no regard for any concept of the resurrection of the dead, yet here was this raggedy bunch of untrained followers of Jesus publicly teaching a resurrection of the dead beginning with His appearing in the flesh to say, "Peace be with you."

Today there are all kinds of sects vying for your attention, too, begging you to be their follower, being jealous when your heart and mind are instead called, gathered, enlightened, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, Who draws you to the crucified, living Christ.

The high priest and all his associates are a force to be reckoned with. They represent all those powerful people who give every evidence of righteousness and holding to true spirituality. They have lots of power and money. They are widely recognized for their authority.

Why would they be jealous over you? Their jealousy is not of the same kind your Father in Heaven has for you when He says, "I the LORD Your God am a jealous God." His jealousy is born of a desire to save you from sin by grace alone, through faith alone, and saying "Peace be with you." Theirs is a jealousy born of a desire to have you take additional measures and pay up.

This tension will not go away in this life, inasmuch as there will always be people hankering for your devotion, attention, and substance while offering some comfort and recompense for your efforts. Your old Adam is inclined to agree.

But you do not belong to them. Instead you are counted among the Apostles who rejected any person, method, or means of salvation that does not put forth Christ crucified and risen from the dead as the only name and hope under heaven whereby men must be saved.

As you are gathered into Christ's Holy Church, it is not peer pressure or jealousy on the part of other people who cause this, but the Holy Spirit who testifies of Christ crucified and risen for you, living for you, and laying upon you both freely and bodily His own life and righteousness, calling you his dear child.
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