Thursday, April 4, 2013

Two Stages

But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ's at His coming . . .

The history of eternal salvation is such that it does not all happen at once in time, even though it has been in the heart of God from eternity. Everything is done in order, and as humankind has experienced it, the period of time has drawn out over thousands of years at least.

You may attribute this stretch of time to the longsuffering patience of Your Creator, Who, although He could have wiped out all of mankind at any time in a manner much more dramatic and final than the flood in Noah’s day, took time instead to arrange the history of salvation in such a manner as to draw near to you in perfect love; in Word and in deed.

Now that Christ is raised from the dead, having made payment for the sin of the world as told first to Adam and Eve and now to you in these last days, the first final phase of salvation history is in effect. Christ the First Fruits has gone before all resurrected flesh, paving the way for the rest of mankind in the order God has established from eternity.

Those who are Christ’s at His coming are all those who are baptized into His name, including you. Your resurrection from the dead is included in that of Christ Jesus because He is joined to you in Holy Baptism, His Word, and His Supper.

The children of Abraham are described as numbering the grains of sand on the seashore, or the stars in the sky. All who have gone before you as believers, as well as all those who will come after you, are counted in the number who will be raised from the dead in Christ Jesus when He comes at the last day.

The evidence is substantial in pointing to a long history for the orb of creation. Some say millions and billions of years, neither knowing the power of God nor believing what is plainly written. What matters is that this history of salvation now includes you, who have the forgiveness of sin and everlasting life, being robed in the pure righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Since He is raised from the dead, it will only be a little while till you, along with all the saints, see with your own eyes the glorious day when death is swallowed up in victory.

For the time being, this resurrection is preached to you and to those who are afar off, as many as God will call by the Gospel. For the time being the same cross under which Christ Jesus suffered is laid upon you in just those ways you are able to endure.
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