For it is better that it be said to you, "Come up here," Than for you to be placed lower in the presence of the prince, Whom your eyes have seen. -Proverbs 25:7
Asserting oneself into places of privilege and authority does not work out well. Hankering for recognition and adulation is intrinsic to the flesh we inherited from Adam. So you need the Word from Above to set things straight.
It is a matter of order and comparisons. The order of creation requires that distinctions be made with regard to lesser and greater positions. This is not something to fight against, but to understand in light of the Word Who orders all things for the benefit of all.
"It is better" means there is something worse. In this case it is better to be raised up than to raise yourself up.
In the eternal arrangement of things the only thing that can happen is for you to be called upward rather than disgraced. The Holy Son of God, Christ Jesus, came down from heaven to raise you up. First in Holy Baptism. Then in feeding you with His life and righteousness.
Don't bother even trying to raise yourself up and over the Word. It won't work. You'll be more than sorry. You'll be more than unhappy. Rather listen and rest in the LORD of Sabbaoth Who, apart from any merit or worthiness on your part, works constantly on your behalf in both temporal and eternal affairs.
The ultimate expression of this is most clearly made known in the enfleshment, the innocent sufferings, the death, and the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Here we see how God asserts Himself into the lowest position in order to serve His creation.
Now that you are in the presence of the Prince through faith in Christ Jesus, it will be your manner of behavior and concern to put others ahead, and to wait quietly when it comes to positions of authority in temporal affairs, all of which are necessary, but not to be grabbed at as if to make yourself great. You cannot do what your dear Savior has already done for you.
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