Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU" -Hebrews 13:5
Admonitions like this tend to grate the wrong way because you do not have the will or capacity to obey the First Commandment, let alone all the others. But these words are spoken to you as you abide in Christ, so they are not totally alien. They are difficult because there is a constant battle within your flesh between the risen Christ and the Old Adam.
Love of money is pinned to love of wealth and possessions. It is a curious grasping after objects that hounds you like no other hound, as if it is a matter of life or death to have this or that thing.
Since you were endowed with reason and senses with no price tag attached, it is good to take a step back and get some perspective as to what really matters. Priorities in accord with your standing as a creature need to be revealed. They do not come naturally by any means.
There is a promise that attends to all who believe and are baptized, namely that the grace of God in Christ Jesus and everlasting life are completely detached from anything we might claim for ourselves. Since He says "I will never desert you nor will I ever forsake you," that is pretty much "end of story" when it comes to valuing stuff.
Stuff. You grab it. You loose it. You hunt for it. You want more of it. And what does it do? It frustrates. It breaks. It fades. It changes. It keeps your eyes on it.
It is best to think of earthly possessions as tools wherewith to serve your neighbors, whether it be money or other things. Also as objects for which to give great thanks because they are gifts over and above the reason, senses, and birthday suit you received when you were brought into this world.
You dear Savior knows your weaknesses in these things, and He will tenderly admonish you by His Word to let go of them so you can be with Him in the life of the world to come.
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