Wednesday, May 14, 2014

To the World

But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. - Galatians 6:14

No one invites himself to his own crucifixion. Such a notion is beyond reason or strength, let alone contrary to the desire of any person. The Crucified and Risen One, however, graciously invites all human flesh to participate in His, because He is both True God and True Man, able and willing to help in every time of need.

By participating in Him through faith a crucifixion takes place, whereby earthly desires are cast aside and fruits of love and service abound. Since it is participation in a crucifixion, and one known only through faith as kindled and sustained by the Holy Spirit, it goes beyond human understanding and is not evident to the eyeballs except perhaps in small ways.

No one invites himself into this process, but all are called by the Holy Spirit, and all enter through the narrow Door of the Sheep. He has made provision for His death and life to be applied concretely to failing, poor sinners through His Gospel and Sacraments.

The former sounds out into all corners of the earth, and the latter, being connected to the same, is lavishly bestowed through the simple means of speech, water, bread, and wine.

O LORD Jesus, out of a pure love established before the foundation of the world, You made way for poor sinners to be joined to You and rejoice with inexpressible joy. Strengthen the faith of all who abide in You, and let your Word of Truth sound out into this world of darkness and death. Amen.

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