Thursday, March 14, 2013

This Way No Longer

Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.

Go ahead. Pinch yourself. Then stretch out your hands and look at each side, the palm and the back. See the details, the marks, the outer surface of your being which, believe it or not, is not identical to any other person who has ever walked the is earth. Rush Limbaugh may say he knows certain things “like every inch of his glorious, naked body,” but, smart as he is, even he does not know either one as well as he might think. For every single body of human flesh there are a thousand doctors who could spend a lifetime of study and never fully comprehend it.

It is this substance of flesh the Apostle speaks of when he says “we recognize no one according to the flesh.” He says this because the flesh visible to our eyes has already been redeemed by the flesh of Christ Jesus so that, in Him, we are awaiting a flesh not subject to death and decay.

It is important to understand the Apostle is speaking from his office as an Apostle. From this office, in view of what is written in Holy Scripture, and in full knowledge of our dear Savior’s resurrection, the Apostles appointed followers after them who were the first Pastors in the church. This was essential because the bodily presence of Jesus equals the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. His flesh is given throughout the world until the end of time for our strength and comfort in the very midst of death.

Early Christians were accused of cannibalism on account of words such as these, but we in simple faith understand that when Jesus says, “This is My body,” in the Sacrament, He, being the Creator of all things by His Word, is also able to dwell with us bodily through the Word He speaks at His Supper. Even many who were right there with Jesus as He was with us according to the flesh could not swallow this Truth.

Dear reader, you need to understand that your Pastor, as he is given to adhere to the same teachings handed down from Christ Jesus to the Apostles, no longer looks at you according to the flesh. While he is interested in your physical life and well-being more than you might think, he is intent on knowing the Life of Christ Jesus is hidden in, with, and under the flesh that is visible to the eyes. This is cause for exceedingly great joy.

And how beautiful your flesh is even now, being His creation! But your Pastor especially has the resurrection of the body and the life of the world to come in mind, because your Father in heaven has worked faith in the hearts of sinful men and taught them all that really counts: the righteousness of Christ Jesus for poor sinners.

Two other very important points both Pastor and hearers may draw with confidence and comfort from this verse: 1.) The eternal things pastors provide by virtue of their office are not subject to partiality based on age, social status, wealth, or any other feature that distinguishes us from one another when it comes to our earthly tents, and 2.) at the same time it is essential to uphold the order of creation whereby we do make distinctions for the sake of civility, among them being man, woman, father, mother, child, governing authority, teacher, soldier, employer, employee, Apostle, etc. It would be disastrous to abandon these distinctions, and much to our benefit to understand and maintain them.

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