Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Time and Time Again

The eyes blink all day, over and over again.
The heart beats without much thought, over and over again.
Matters of the body carry on with much repetition and little notice unless perchance something great in our eyes comes about.

So it should be of no concern our surprise that we hear time and time again how Christ Jesus came to save poor sinners through His innocent suffering and death. It is as much a part of life, even more, than what our lowly bodies do from day to day.

This hearing over and over again is dressed in song, chant, prayer, and high thanksgiving, because the effect of being joined to Him Who is risen from the dead and lives in us by faith is one of blessed release from all that drags us down into boredom and self-service.

Being joined to Christ Jesus means those blinking eyes, beating hearts, and all bodily needs are His, too. All growing into the fullness of the resurrection at the last day. Through His innocent suffering and death, coupled with His resurrection from the dead, every last particle of doom and death has been abolished.

Now it is time once again to partake of His lovingkiness forthrightly and directly, in contemplating His wounds, and receiving the benefits of those wounds through the Supper of His true body and blood which He established so that He might abide with each of us bodily and in person. Now it is time to contemplate ever more deeply how deep and great is the love of God in Christ Jesus.

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