Wednesday, March 27, 2013

+ vs. =

An equal sign is not the best choice in describing anything that involves love or marriage. In fact it may be the worst possible symbol because it is one where two lines never meet, but remain forever in their own separate worlds, side by side, to be sure, but yielding no fruit other than a state of futility.

A plus sign, however, is perfect, because true love consists of two inequalities joined together, never to be separated, but to add up to something special, not the least of which is care and provision in love for children.

Yes, there are inequalities in love and marriage, as best demonstrated by the greatest plus sign of all time: the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ who laid down His life even for His worst enemies, thus showing how unequal true love is.

Show me a household where two heads are equal in terms of vocation and duties, and I'll show you a household that is beyond dysfunctional and short lived. Let us see how many champions of the equal sign witness a marriage where the spouses join together early in life, and stay that way till death do them part.

Christ Jesus and His Church are the perfect example of love and marriage. It is here that all true blessing and life originate. His Christians participate by faith in the fullest way in this perfect marriage, and they are given to experience the same in a small way as husband and wife love and honor each other not as equals, but as unequal opposites who add up.

Dear LORD Jesus, bless the homes and families in this world with your tender mercy and love, and bring those who are enemies into the fold where there is true Life, even as the first shall be last, and last shall be first. Help us to be merciful as are You, for we each and all fall short in matters of true love, both toward You and toward one another. Amen.

+ + +

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